"Cheers to the journey, the whole journey - to the magical moments in all their glory and to all those other times, when you simply have to create your own sunshine."
-Kimi Werner
Off the shores of Haleiwa, Hawaii there lives a mermaid with flowing walnut-colored hair and copper skin kissed by the sun. She glides through the ocean on the dorsal fin of a great white shark and dives to the seabed to prey on octopi cozy in their crannies. She competes to protect our oceans and hunts invasive species that threaten our reefs. Nope, she doesn't breathe water. No gills. But she doesn't breathe air as she dances with whales in a world few of us humans will ever know.
/ Patagonia Surfing Ambassador
/ U.S. National Spearfishing Champion
/ Artist
/ Chef
/ Speaker
/ Sustainable Living Advocate
Your heart will spark listening to her speak. Your eyes will glisten, corners turning up into a smile. Your legs will start to twitch, antsy for a new adventure. I tell you. Her words and images remind me to live from my heart and strive for a life that ignites my soul.
"The moment we stop taking care of nature, that's when everything is going to be lost. Whether it's respecting the plants that we eat, the animals we hunt, or even the ones that might be hunting us, it's all a beautiful thing and we're all in it together."
-Kimi Werner
The cultivation of food, the culture, the preparation, the flavors, the medicine, the impact. It's something I care a lot about. All of us who eat, are contributing to the structure of the food system through the choices we make in growing, harvesting, and purchasing food. Bringing awareness and intention to the food choices we make on a regular basis gives power to our individual voices in the manifestation of the food system. Each time you eat is an opportunity to positively influence agriculture, our planet, our economy, our communities, your health, your spirit - in line with your values. How cool is that.
Okay. One more.
You are my soul sister Kimi Werner.
01 / Photos on this page are linked to their original source.
"We're all different but we're all made to eat...Food is the one thing we ALL have in common. We ALL eat. If we could just be a little more connected to where our food comes from, and the stories that EVERY meal has to share of what it took to get it to our plates, I think we'll all be more connected as a whole, we'll be able to make better decisions that will improve the state of the world, and the appreciation for the meals we choose and the hands that prepare them will also grow immensely."
- Kimi Werner
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